Given the following when fitting a three parameter gompertz curve to a predictor x

g(x) = alpha * exp(- gamma * exp(- beta *x) )

I need to know whether gamma is equal to the inflection point of this curve?

My second question is:

 Given the following when fitting a three parameter gompertz curve to a predictor x:

 alpha=asymptotic limit be estimated by max(y)

 intercept is estimated by a scatter plot with regression line of the data 

 offset = y intercept = alpha*exp(-gamma)

 gamma=log(alpha) - log(Y intercept)

How do I find good initial values for alpha, gamma and beta when these parameters are part of a larger model? Is there a strategy you would recommend?

 If I take derivative of g(x) with respect to alpha gamma and beta I get answers including x. I am having difficulty figuring out how to use the results. Use average x?

I get an answer for dy/da = exp(-lambda* exp(-beta*x) ) from which I derive gamma=exp(beta*x)? Any suggestions in solving dy/d alpha, dy/d gamma and dy/d beta?



Mary A. Marion

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