
I have tried fitting the Shockley equation to my I-V data to determine Iph, Rs, Rsh, n. I use OriginPro software, and fitting doesn't converge.

I have defined the custom function in the software as it is in the attached pictures. I have put the initial values for Rs and Rsh from the slope method at Voc and Jsc respectively. The number of iterations is set to 700.

I use this method as it is proposed here: "M. Diantoro, T. Suprayogi, A. Hidayat, A. Taufiq, A. Fuad, and R. Suryana, “Shockley’s equation fit analyses for solar cell parameters from I-V curves,” Int. J. Photoenergy, vol. 2018, 2018".

Any help would be highly appreciated



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