Dear all,
currently we are trying to read daily growth increments of damselfish (Chrysiptera glauca) from Mauritius. However, we have yet to find a perfect methodology to make the increments more readable/visible.
For small otoliths the most promising method so far was to
1. Burn otolith (10-20 sec over bunsen burner)
2. store otolith in immersion oil
(Picture 1 and 2)
Other methods used include
1. glue otolith on a glass slide
2. grind otolith down (using 4000 sand paper)
3. polish otolith (using colloidal silica suspension)
4. burn otolith (over bunsen burner for 10-20 sec)
4. stain otolith with 0.1% toluidin blue
(Picture 3, rings seem too big)
I would be extremely happy about any suggestions regarding otolith processing to enhance readability.