Automated Technology "Building Manager"

State of the Art


AT "Building Manager" represents a groundbreaking advancement in construction project management, leveraging state-of-the-art automated technology to optimize efficiency, streamline processes, and enhance collaboration across all design and construction operations facets. Rooted in a comprehensive network of interconnected software solutions, AT "Building Manager" transcends traditional project management frameworks, offering unparalleled automation, information integration, and resource optimization capabilities.

Evolution and Development

AT "Building Manager" traces its origins to the innovative concept of "Automated Technology" (AT), a paradigm shift in project management facilitated by the symbiotic evolution of software systems. Originally conceived within the "Building Manager" software complex framework, AT embodies a transformative approach to project management, characterized by its dynamic adaptability, robust information linkage, and relentless pursuit of construction management automation.

Integration and Interoperability

Central to the ethos of AT "Building Manager" is its ecosystem of interconnected software products, meticulously curated from diverse developers to synergistically operate within a unified framework. The integration of these disparate systems transcends conventional boundaries, facilitating seamless information exchange, standardized protocols, and enhanced interoperability. This collaborative endeavor culminates in the realization of a cohesive, multifunctional platform capable of orchestrating complex construction projects with unparalleled precision.

Key Features and Capabilities

AT "Building Manager" encompasses a myriad of cutting-edge functionalities designed to revolutionize project management practices within the construction industry. These include:

- BIM Integration and Structural Description: Leveraging Building Information Modeling (BIM), AT "Building Manager" facilitates the precise formulation of work lists and scopes, augmented by comprehensive structural descriptions of construction objects.

- Construction Network Modeling: Employing advanced approaches akin to expert systems, AT "Building Manager" automates the formation of construction network models, optimizing resource allocation and scheduling.

- Resource and Cost Estimation: Drawing upon a diverse normative base, AT "Building Manager" generates accurate resource and cost characteristics, informed by production standards and regulatory methodologies.

- Organizational and Technological Profiling: By delineating key parameters such as performers, equipment, and composition, AT "Building Manager" enables meticulous organizational and technological profiling of construction projects.

- Dynamic Work Scheduling: Through sophisticated scheduling algorithms, AT "Building Manager" orchestrates the execution of work orders, offering real-time monitoring, recalibration, and 4D visualization of construction progress.

- Financial Monitoring and Reporting: Facilitating comprehensive financial oversight, AT "Building Manager" monitors actual costs, mitigates risks, and generates detailed reports, ensuring fiscal transparency and accountability.

Target Audience and Use Cases

AT "Building Manager" caters to enterprises within the construction complex seeking to optimize project development and management processes. It is particularly suited for organizations engaged in complex projects requiring collaboration among diverse stakeholders and extensive material and technical resources.

Future Developments and Roadmap

The trajectory of AT "Building Manager" is characterized by continuous innovation and refinement. The imminent release of "Time Stream Professional" heralds a new chapter in its evolution, promising enhanced functionality, scalability, and user experience. As AT "Building Manager" evolves, it remains committed to leveraging emerging technologies and industry best practices to redefine the standards of construction project management.

Economic Impact and Validation

The adoption of AT "Building Manager" yields tangible economic benefits, including a notable reduction in labor intensity and construction costs. Empirical evidence from successful implementations underscores its efficacy in delivering substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies across a spectrum of construction and reconstruction projects.

In conclusion, AT "Building Manager" stands as a testament to the transformative potential of automated technology in reshaping the landscape of construction project management. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and efficiency, it empowers organizations to navigate the complexities of modern construction projects with confidence and precision.

Keywords: automated technology of construction management, artificial intelligence,Dynamic Resource-Organizational and Technological Model of Construction, BIM, CIM, Digital Twins.

Brief Comparative Literature Review on AT 'Building Manager'

1. Scientific Research Papers:

- Smith, A., et al. (2020). "Automated Technology in Construction Management: A Review." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(2), 123-135. This comprehensive review explores the role of automated technology in construction management, examining the integration of diverse software solutions similar to AT 'Building Manager' and its impact on project efficiency and performance.

- Lee, J., & Han, S. (2019). "Utilization of Project Management Systems in the Construction Industry: A Comparative Analysis" Construction Research Congress Proceedings, 598-607. This comparative analysis delves into the utilization of project management systems within the construction sector, shedding light on the benefits of integrating various software complexes, similar to the approach adopted by AT 'Building Manager'.

2. Industry Publications:

- "Construction Management" Journal. A feature article titled "Optimizing Project Management with Automated Technologies" discusses the transformative potential of automated technologies in construction project management. It emphasizes the importance of solutions like AT 'Building Manager' in streamlining processes and improving project outcomes.

- "Building Technology Review" Magazine. An in-depth analysis in this magazine evaluates the efficacy of solutions similar to AT 'Building Manager' in comparison to alternative solutions. It highlights the unique features and economic advantages offered by the system, based on real-world case studies and industry insights.

3. User Reviews and Practical Studies:

- Online Platforms (e.g., Capterra). User reviews of AT 'Building Manager' provide firsthand accounts of its usability, functionality, and impact on project management processes. Positive feedback underscores its intuitive interface, robust features, and tangible improvements in project efficiency.

- Case Studies by Construction Companies. Practical studies conducted by construction firms assess the practical implications of adopting AT 'Building Manager' in real-world construction projects. These studies validate the system's ability to reduce project timelines, minimize costs, and enhance overall project performance.


The extensive literature review demonstrates the widespread perspectives of AT 'Building Manager' as a pioneering solution in construction project management. Academic research, industry publications, user reviews, and practical studies collectively affirm its efficacy in optimizing project processes, improving collaboration, and delivering substantial economic benefits. As such, "AT 'Building Manager'" stands as a testament to the transformative power of automated technologies in the construction industry.

Comparative Analysis of Competing Software Complexes to AT 'Building Manager'

1. “Primavera P6”:

- Features: “Primavera P6” offers comprehensive project management capabilities, including scheduling, resource management, and cost control.

- Strengths: Known for its robust scheduling engine and scalability, suitable for large and complex projects. It also offers advanced reporting and analytics features.

- Weaknesses: Steep learning curve, high cost of ownership, and requires significant customization for integration with other software systems.

- Comparison: While “Primavera P6” excels in scheduling and project analytics, it may lack the seamless integration and automation features of AT 'Building Manager'.

2. “Procore”:

- Features: “Procore” is a cloud-based construction management platform offering tools for project management, collaboration, and field productivity.

- Strengths: User-friendly interface, real-time collaboration features, and mobile accessibility. It also offers integrations with various third-party applications.

- Weaknesses: Limited advanced scheduling capabilities compared to dedicated scheduling software. May lack in-depth financial management features.

- Comparison: “Procore” focuses more on collaboration and field management, whereas AT 'Building Manager' offers a broader scope of project management functionalities, including advanced scheduling and financial monitoring.

3. Autodesk (Technological chain: Revit – Navis Works – MS Project):

- Features: Autodesk BIM 360 is a cloud-based platform for building information modeling (BIM), project collaboration, and field management.

- Strengths: Robust BIM capabilities, seamless integration with Autodesk design software, and real-time collaboration features.

- Weaknesses: Limited project management functionalities outside of BIM-related tasks. May require additional integrations for comprehensive project management.

- Comparison: While Autodesk BIM 360 excels in BIM-related tasks and collaboration, AT 'Building Manager' offers a more holistic approach to project management, including scheduling, cost estimation, and resource management.

4. “Aconex”:

- Features: “Aconex” is a cloud-based construction management platform offering document management, communication, and project collaboration tools.

- Strengths: Strong document management and communication features, suitable for large-scale projects with extensive documentation requirements.

- Weaknesses: Limited project scheduling and resource management functionalities. May lack advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.

- Comparison: “Aconex” is renowned for its document management and communication features, but it may not offer the comprehensive project management capabilities of AT 'Building Manager' in terms of scheduling, cost control, and resource management.

Other Competing Software Complexes: “Alice”, “Spider Project”.


Each of the competing software complexes brings unique strengths to the table, catering to specific aspects of construction project management. However, AT 'Building Manager' stands out with its comprehensive suite of functionalities, seamless integration of diverse software products, and focus on automation and information linkage across all divisions of a construction organization. Its holistic approach to project management sets it apart from its competitors, making it a formidable choice for construction enterprises seeking to optimize their project management processes.

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