To download Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) data in R, you can use the R package rGPM. Here are the steps to follow:
Install the rGPM package by running the following code in R:
Load the rGPM package by running:
Download the GPM data using the downloadGPM() function. This function takes several parameters, including the date range and geographic coordinates of the area you want to download. For example, to download GPM data for the month of January 2022 for the area between 30 and 35 degrees north latitude and 80 and 85 degrees east longitude, you can run the following code:
This will download the GPM data for the specified time period and location and save it to the specified output directory.
Note: You will need to sign up for a NASA Earthdata account and obtain an API key to use the rGPM package. You can do this by following the instructions provided in the rGPM package documentation.