I am trying to find the reaction pathway of an enzymatic reaction using the QST2 keyword in Gaussian.

I am modeling the active site with the two amino acid residues identified to be taking part in the reaction and fixing some of the atoms in the amino acid backbone to make sure freedom to move is limited (as in the case of Enzyme).

I did this by using Cartesian co-ordinates input and freezing individual atoms (by inserting -1 in front of the atoms I need to freeze). I have optimized both the reactant and expected product structures this way.

In the reactant and product structures, the fixed atoms have different cartesian co-ordinates. However, bond distances between the fixed atoms in the structures remain the same.

Due to this change in co-ordinates (As I have assumed), there comes an error in the internal co-ordinate system when I try to do the QST2 calculation.

Is there a way to solve this issue? I have attached the QST2 input file.

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