1. If you know the value of the appropriate current density for this polymerization, multiply it by the working electrode surface to obtain a value for the controlled current.
Then use the Chronopotentiometry (set the current at the calculated value and an appropriate value for time). Stir the solution to avoid the depletion of the concentration near the electrode.
2. If you don't know the correct current density, use CV to find the potential where the polymerization starts and to estimate a current density.
3. The recorded potential (at least at the beginning of Chronopotentiometry) must be close to the polymerization potential identified in CV.
You can use a cell containing two or three electrodes. In two electrode system a working and a counter electrode are used. If you need to polymerize the monomer by oxidative or reductive potential, the working electrode is attached to positive or negative terminal of the galvanostate equipment. The current and the time of polymerization should be controlled to prepare required thickness of the polymer.