I am working on a research paper which in my reckoning is fresh in my country. But I have a little bit doubt if it is really fresh. Can anyone guide how to resolve this confusion?
A very comprehensive literature review or at least detailed annotated bibliography should solve your concern. Moreover, do not rely only on the online search but also strictly search in the libraries with the help of librarians. Usually, thanks to the internet we do our research with the help of online tools but there is an offline treasure that dates back and rests on the library shelves as well. Lastly, look for other people who might be very well informed about the research area that you are interested in. There is always a probability that your work still will be slightly somehow similar to the previous ones. Good luck!
A survey of patents and literature will show the status of the study. If no one worked in a topic, you will not find any patent or literature. However, if the same work is being carried out at present by a researcher from another geographical locations, it will be highly impossible/difficult to trace until a publication or patent is registered.