What is the analytical method and instrument required to detect the drug which formed inclusion complex with beta cyclodextrin? How can it be detected?
There are many analytical techniques to determine the CD-drug complex qualitatively and quantitatively for example
UV-spectroscopy and HPLC to detect dissolution constant and for loading and release study
Infra red technique (IR)
DSC ,SEM techniques
You will see different techniques in leatreature review..
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I can use two/three electrode set up for liquid junction quantum dot sensitized solar cell.
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As random sampling means that everyone in the population have an equal chance to be chosen, can it have inclusion criteria? My research participants have been chosen based on the inclusion...
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Hi all I am working on colon-targeted drug delivery for which I kept mice fasting for 6h using fasting grills during scotophase (dark period). I observed liquid fecal content in the cecum and...
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Hello, I fit a classical dose response curve Y=Bottom + (Top-Bottom)/(1+10^((LogEC-X)*HillSlope)) to my data (not related to inhibitors etc). The model I use is purely qualitative but it fits...
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I am looking for a classification of the research methods included in literature review papers or Meta analysis ones .
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