I need to describe mathematically the low-pass filtering effect of a doubly-fed induction generator. This is the description of the effect that I found:

The stator winding of an induction generator has an inherent inductance, which is a measure of its ability to resist changes in current flow. When the shaft speed of the generator oscillates, the frequency of the electrical output also varies, which causes changes in the current flowing through the stator winding.

However, due to the inductance of the winding, the current flowing through it lags behind the changes in frequency. This means that when the frequency of the electrical output changes rapidly, the current flowing through the winding cannot keep up with the changes. Instead, it lags behind, which causes the output voltage and current to be smoothed out.

This effect is known as low-pass filtering because it tends to filter out high-frequency variations in the electrical output. High-frequency components of the oscillation cannot pass through the inductance of the winding, so they are effectively blocked or attenuated. As a result, the electrical output of the generator becomes smoother and more stable, even when the shaft speed oscillates.

Could someone suggest some papers to read or approach how to describe mathematically the low-pass filtering effect of induction generator?

Thank you!

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