I'm a little confused about the correct notion of interior probabilities in a scenario tree. Assume, that the scenario tree (see link) is given and the space of the final outcome at the end of period 3 is described by the probability space (Omega, F, P), i.e.,
Omega = {(1,1,1),(1,1,2),...,(2,2,2)}
F = {(1,1,1), ..., (2,2,2),{(1,1,1),(1,1,2)},...,{(2,2,1),(2,2,2)},{(1,1,1),...(1,2,2)},{(2,1,1),...,(2,2,2)}, Omega, empty set}
P((1,1,1))= ... = P((2,2,2)) = 1/8 (each scenario is equiprobable).
The scenario tree induces a filtration (F_0, F_1, F_2, F_3) with
F_0 = {Omega, empty set}
F_1 = {{(1,1,1),...(1,2,2)},{(2,1,1),...,(2,2,2)}, Omega, empty set}
F_3 = F.
The question is if it is mathematical correct to write P((1,1)), P({1,1}) instead of P({(1,1,1),(1,1,2)}). The probability measure is a mapping from F, so I think this is problematic, but I found this notion very often in the literature.
Thanks for your expert opinion.