I'm working on thermo-mechanical age hardening of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy. I need to know if Eta precipitate particles are shear-resistant or not so that I can detect whether Orowan mechanism is the dominant strengthening mechanism. How can I be sure?
To my knowledge, all of intermetallic compounds are shearable and oxide inclusions are nonshearable. However, some complex hard-metal carbides and borides are shearable and/or non-shearable depending on the temperature.
I will look in references and provide you with more information regarding your inquiry.
Thank you. I read the paper abstract. I realized that the size of the precipitate particle is a key factor determining if it's shearable or nonshearable. Since the Eta phase particles I observed are no finer than 300 nano meters, I can be sure that they are all nonshearable and the dominant strengthening mechanism is Orowan process.