I conducted a bibliometric coupling analysis on firm growth using VOSviewer, which resulted in 80 papers grouped into 4 clusters.
It is important to note that I had a total of 668 papers initially. To select the top 80 papers, I set the minimum number of document citations to 1 and used the Total Strength Link in VOSviewer.
The largest cluster comprises 28 papers. However, after reading the full text of all these papers, I found no significant similarities among them. Some papers focus on the persistence of growth, while others explore the impacts of high-growth firms or measure high-growth firms' characteristics.
I should mention that, for instance, three papers in this cluster discuss the persistence of growth, whereas I have another cluster that is primarily dedicated to this topic. I believe these papers should be part of the cluster focused on persistence of growth due to their thematic similarity, rather than being included in this larger cluster.
Now, I am seeking guidance on how to address this issue where the papers within this cluster are heterogeneous, making it challenging to identify a single common theme.
can i ingnore some of papers in each cluster that are not relevant to main theme of that cluster?
or what are alternative solutions for this problem?
I would appreciate your insights and recommendations on how to approach this situation.