I suppose you use Ar as a carrier gas. If so you have a typical (! Alexander Galushko ) chromatogram, but the second peak is oxygen and third of nitrogen, contamination from air. You need to calibrate your GS to have a calibration curve "peak surface area - micromoles of H2." The conversion of H2 from micromolar to other units is a trivial task.
Do you have impurities in the system? As Yurii has stated above you have contamination. Photocatalytic hydrogen production is a big topic in Europe at present - especially with the supply issues in electrolysers
In general, peaks (number of them) depend on the carrier gas (Yirii Geletii) and type of a column you use (sorbent?). Assignments of peaks in your chromatogram could be due to the problems in "peaks identification table" (peak start/peak end = depends on software).