07 July 2018 4 4K Report

-- I have data set of cpu and memory utility of 100 machines present in the network for the past 3 months and values are collected every 5 mins.

-- I want to define a neural network model for finding if the machine is compute intensive or not.

-- CPU is measured in cpu % usage (as we see in task manager) : ranging from 0 to 100 ... 100 is when 100% cpu is used.

Memory range in MB 500- 700 MB

-- I have converted the cpu and memory usage in the range of [0-1]

by using the fromula :

new val = (val - min) / max - min

where max , min and avg is the cpu or memory usage value.

-- I then mapped cpu and memory usage for all timestamps.

-- A term Work load is calculated as

W = cpu x mem

-- Now I want to design a neural network so tht i can define machine as compute intensive or not.


define at every timestamp of the machine as compute intensive task or not where again if the no. of tasks is being compute intensive is higher will now define if m/c as compute intensive.

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