I have a survey data. The format is as follows:
Region 1:
Res Credit Investments
A 1 0
B 5 5
C 2 3
D 1 1
I have survey data on 60 regions and for each region respondents ranging between 1-50 have given a rating between 1-5 for various indicators like credit , investment etc.
Note: Not all 50 respondents have given their response for each region. It varies between 1-50.
My purpose is to test the difference in availability of credit and investment across these 50 regions. I tried working with Kruskal Wallis however if I ma testing it on more than 5 groups, it is creating some self automated groups and as result there is no significant difference among these regions. But if I apply it on just first 5 regions, it is giving a significant difference. Could you suggest some non parametric method to test difference between these 50 regions (at once)?
My ultimate goal is to rank these regions on the basis of these 2 indicators (tied ranks among regions could be accepted).