The solution of the Diophantine equation x^2 +y^2=z^2 (Pythagorean triples) are x=2mn , y=m^2 -n^2, z=m^2 + n^2.

We look for the integer solutions of the Diophantine equation (xy)^2+(yz)^2+(zx)^2=(pq)^2 in polynomial forms. x, y, z are expressed in polynomial forms with integer variables  n,m, l  in a way similar to Pythagorean triples.

x=A(n,m,l), y=B(n,m,l), z=C(n,m,l), p=D(n,m,l), q=E(n,m,l)

The degre of polynoms A, B, C,D,E is less than or equal to 4.

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