In my research (The effects of mentoring EFL teachers on their learners’ writing ability: Does a mentoring software make any difference?) the writing ability (DVs) of three diffrent groups of learners are needed to be compared.

The (IVs) were the two mentoring styles applied on their EFL Teachers. (Traditionla mentoring, Software Mentoring and the control group with no mentoring styles at all). Pre-test and post-test were used before and after the manuplation of the IVs. The EFL teacher In group one was traditionally mentored. The teacher in Group 2 was mentored by using an e-mentoring software and the learners in group 3 were considered as control group and their teacher received no mentoring treatment at all. At the end the the means of the writing ability of these three diffrent groups of learners needed to be compared. What kind of statistical tests should I use?

ANOVA? or ANCOVA? one way? or two ways? or WHAT?

Please exactly tell me which statistical tests and how?

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