
What are the techniques to combine together multiple HMMs related to the same process?

Mental example:

I train 3 different HMMs by observing the behavior of 3 animals. All these HMMs have the same number of parameters and emissions. Then, I discover that I was actually observing the same animal, in three disjointed time intervals.

Moreover, for each HMM I have the same number of observations.

I want to combine the 3 HMMs to a single HMM that better models the animal behavior.

Of course this is just a mental experiment, but it fits very well my problem.


Up to now, my reasoning is the following:

- I have 3 HMMs trained from different observation sequences from the same animal.

- Not every model has the same "wheigth": models with higher P(observations | A, B, pi) should wheight more when combining (is this correct?)

- One idea is to, for each probability, do a wheighted average for each model

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