If I want to work polynomial like bernstein, how it can be coded to differentiate and integrate.This is defined as Bi,n=nCr(n,i)xi(1-x)n-i. If I have to calculate B2,7=nCr(7,2)x2(1-x)5=21x2(1-x)5?How to work this in matlab?
See the attached image for sample Bernstein function plots. It is a pity that Mathworks does not write Bernstein(...) instead of bernstein(...). The Matlab code to implement a Bernstein polymial (notice the capital B) is given in
See the attached image for sample Bernstein function plots. It is a pity that Mathworks does not write Bernstein(...) instead of bernstein(...). The Matlab code to implement a Bernstein polymial (notice the capital B) is given in