We are doing a study on impact of aerosol on precipitation. Which satellite data and which wavelength will be the best. or can some one suggest a criteria to be adopted to choose an instrument...
12 February 2021 6,324 3 View
As per the rules and regulation DOI is needed and paper has to be opened in online by the anna university rules let me know whether the published article in some journal and the DOI issued by...
27 November 2020 7,540 2 View
commonly used practices for the identification and characterization of the kind of cell in cord blood other than Flowcytometry and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
08 August 2020 6,881 3 View
Though both the methods look similar I believe there may be differences in them. What are the disadvantages of cut-cell meshing method and why is not widely used in research in comparison with...
12 July 2020 5,636 3 View
I tried to contact but no response so kindly help me in this regard. We have an Advantec GS-990, it was purchased a long time ago from a Korean Collaboration. Currently,...
16 June 2020 9,890 1 View
I have done Kinetics study of two different probes namely Fe(CN)63-/4- and Ru(boy)2+ on glassy carbon electrode. I kept the potential between -0.2 to 0.6 and 0.8 to 1.2 respectively. In FeCN when...
25 April 2020 3,364 10 View
On what scale can SIMSCALE simulation software be helpful for students in their engineering course work comprising CFD ( Computational fluid dynamics ), thermal and structural concepts? Can...
29 March 2020 2,952 3 View
I came across the RIR value of Martensite in a paper, which is 7.98. Similarly for Austenite, which is 10.81. I want to quantify Retained Austenite in my heat treated samples. I am using Reference...
26 February 2020 9,401 2 View
I have calculated electronic components of thermal conductivity by wiedmanfranz law. Then the lattice thermal conductivity is derived from it. But some of those values are negative. at the end of...
26 January 2020 1,507 4 View
Hi friends, I have been analyzing a protein family, called Fibrinogen domain related proteins, commonly called FReD or FREPs. I confronted with problem that C terminal part of this family proteins...
08 January 2020 1,320 1 View
Is the electropolymerisation of polyaniline coating over stainless steel (SS) via Cyclic voltammetry technique is really adherant? Else how to improve the adhesion of the coating, whether any...
01 March 2021 8,220 2 View
I am aiming to determine the ADC values of a commercial fish feed, but I do not have a steam pelleter or extruder available to me. Ideally, the pellets could be coated with some inert marker....
28 February 2021 7,967 3 View
Do we immerse the bricks horizontally or vertically ? #bricks#waterproofingsurface#civil#engeenering#chemicalengineering#wax#parafinwax
28 February 2021 6,685 2 View
I want to use 0.1% gelatin. Should that be made in PBS or sterile water? Should I autoclave the gelatin soln after making it in water/PBS?
28 February 2021 274 2 View
I am conducting anodic electrodeposition of MnO2 onto a stainless steel substrate, using a platinum strip as a counter electrode. This is done galvanostatically, with the current held between 5...
27 February 2021 1,829 3 View
It's a hydrolysis reaction, which may produce by either acid or base-catalyzed reaction. so can anybody help me with this, which condition is suitable for this reaction?
26 February 2021 1,760 8 View
Hello, recently I am having some difficulties with maintaining the cell culture of primary cells isolated from a skin biopsy (normal and malignant). The coating of culture plates with Matrigel (a...
26 February 2021 6,151 2 View
Hi, We culture neural progenitor cells in T175 culture flasks coated with PLO-Laminin. We have successfully grown these cells with our protocol for months. Recently, we observed large sheets...
25 February 2021 3,443 4 View
During performing CV of a GCE or modified GCE, we rise the potential in the first half of the cycle and reduce it in reverse half. During the first half, what is the nature of charge on GCE or...
25 February 2021 7,994 3 View
I tried coating Fe3O4@ SiO2 by using APTES in 5% water-ethanol but it is not coated. Kindly suggest a solution for it. Thanks
24 February 2021 5,992 4 View