I have a fiber coupled electro optic phase modulator, and I want to measure its 3dB electronic bandwidth and its half-wave voltage V_pi. Can anyone suggest me some experimental setups for measuring these parameters?
Bir elektro-optik faz modülatörü elektronik ve optik özelliklerine göre karakterize edilir. Bant genişliği değerlik ve iletim bandı arasındaki mesafe olur. Gerilim ise yarım dalga gerilimi oluşturur. İletim bandı ve değerlik bandı arasındaki mesafeyi alanı alana kadar yarım dalga oluşturur. Bu yarım dalga üzerinde oluşan gerilim V(pi) voltajı olur.
After some investigations, I found that the Mach-Zehnder interferometer can be utilized to measure the half wave voltage Vpi of an electro-optic phase modulator. To do so, we split the output beam of a cw laser with a 50:50 beam splitter, remain one of the outputs as reference, and let the other output to go through the EOM. Then combine the two beams and measure the power of the combined beam using a photodiode, and plot the measured optical power as a modulation voltage. Then the half wave voltage Vpi is defined as the difference voltage between the two adjacent minimum and maximum on this plot.
In order to determine the 3dB bandwidth of a device, the frequency response of that device should be be measured. I finally obtained the frequency response power of the modulator using a network analyzer.