I want to calculate the temperature of the solar collector (cylindrical type mounted on a pillar) with the different tilt angles of solar reflectors. There are 12 flat or paraboloid reflectors, which reflect the light to the solar collector.
If I understood your question correctly, ss a quick estimation, you can do the following:
1- Calculate the total heat received by the collector using ( Q= Average Irradiance * Collector Surface Area).
2- Using the (Q= mCp Dealta T), you can easily calculate the the temperature difference.
However, put in your consideration that what you will get as a temperature difference is by far higher than he real one because of the losses which were not considered in this simple calculation. You can take half of the gained energy to be more realistic.
You could Check the following paper, you might the answer of your question;
Lv Y, Si P, Rong X, Yan J, Feng Y, Zhu X. Determination of optimum tilt angle and orientation for solar collectors based on effective solar heat collection. Applied Energy. 2018;219:11-9.
Link: Article Determination of Optimum Tilt Angle and Orientation for Sola...