07 July 2016 2 961 Report

the question about the Rashba parameter. The problem is presented in the following:

 After reading some literatures about "the Rashba effect", I find that there are two different formulas for describing Rashba effect.

 one is defined as αR = 2ER/kR (all the R is subscript ) (this formula can be found in the page 3613 in this literature (Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 3608-3616 )).

 another is defined as α = ε≠/2△k (this formula can be found in the page 1639 in this literature (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 1638−1645 )).

 We can find that the position of the coefficient of "2" is different in the above two formulas.

 So I do'not know which formula is right? or two formulas are right. I can't understand this well. Can everyone explain this for me?

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