If I know the band gap if a certain semiconductor, and I would like to calculate the value of the absorption coefficient numerically using the following equation:
how to determine the values of the constants (A) and (B)?
Dear Sir. Concerning your issue about how to calculate the absorption coefficient of a semiconductor numerically. The two-photon absorption process is a nonlinear phenomenon which, in bulk semiconductors, shows very low optical efficiency. For this reason the detection of this process becomes very difficult from the experimental point of view. Nevertheless, when dealing with semiconductor QD’s with dimensions of few nanometers, these transitions are enhanced and the detection is possible. In this contribution we present analytical calculations for the absorption coefficient in CdSe spherical QD’s subjected to these second order processes, as a function of the characteristic dot parameters. The intensities of the absorption peaks, as well as statistical calculations involving QD’s ensembles, are also reported. Experimental determination of absorption coefficient. Typically, when the optical properties are studied, the transmission spectra of the sample T(λ) are measured. Often one use the term absorbance (or optical density), which is defined according to the formula as in attached file .I think the following below links may help you in your analysis: