I use MHC Class II tetramers alot in my studies. I'm wondering if someone has used fluorochromes OTHER than APC, PE for tetramers.If so, how did you go about making the calculations for conjugates, ie getting the molecular weights of Streptavidin-Fluorochrome conjugates?

We do this on a regular basis for PE and APC tetramers using the description found in the NIH tetramer core (http://tetramer.yerkes.emory.edu/client/faq#1). They have calculated the MW of Strepavidin-APC, PE and FITC conjugates. I'd like to have my tetramers on an alternate channel, I was thinking that the new Brilliant Violet dyes from Biolegend/BD would be a good bet. Biolegend gives the conjugate MW (http://www.biolegend.com/streptavidin_conjugates). However, looking at that list, their reported MW for APC is 260KDa. At the NIH core, the reported value is 160KDa. So I don't know if it's possible to use the values that Biolegend reports.

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