03 March 2017 1 5K Report


I want to calculate RDF of glycine of Hn-OW, Hn-HW, Ha-OW, Ha-HW, Ca-OW, etc.,

So my commands were as follows...

1] To make indexes:-

gmx make_ndx -f md.gro -o Hn-OW.ndx

> del 2

Removed group 2 'SOL'

> del 1

Removed group 1 'Water'

> del 0

Removed group 0 'System'

> a H1 H2 H3 OW

Found xxx atoms with name H1 H2 H3 OW

0 H1_H2_H3_OW : xxx atoms

> q

2]Then, Using the index to calculate the pair correlation function for all frames:-

gmx rdf -f md.trr -s md.tpr -n Hn-OW.ndx -o rdf_Hn-OW.xvg

Available static index groups:

Group 0 "H1_H2_H3_OW" (xxx atoms)

Specify a selection for option 'ref'

(Reference selection for RDF computation):

(one per line, for status/groups, 'help' for help)

> 0

Selection '0' parsed


Last frame 1000 time 10000.000

Analyzed 1001 frames, last time 10000.000

3] View the plot:

xmgrace rdf_Hn-OW.xvg

and if i view the obtained graphs in xmgrace i am getting only two kinds of graphs...ie.,

(a) for Hn-OW,Ha-OW etc, graphs are same for OW end indexing and

(b) for Hn-HW,Ha-HW etc., graphs are same for HW end indexing..

My doubts are..

1)What is this only two kinds of graphs am i getting..?? ,

2)I hope the above procedure to get RDF ie., commands 1] gmx make_ndx....., 2] gmx rdf ..... 3] xmgrace..... are correct in accordance..

3)Or is there any mistake that i am doing..?? Can anybody rectify my mistakes if any..??

Thank you.

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