18 January 2021 2 494 Report


I wanna ask several questions about Random Forest algorithm.

  • Is it possible to calculate manually using Random Forest? 
  • If we can calculate manually, can you please teach me how with this data sample i give?Assume i want to get price for:  Demands: normal,Duration: 30min,Distance: 2km
  • Does the result we get from calculate manually will match the one we run with program?
  • The reason why i ask that questions is because i'm trying to make a pricing system app with Random Forest regression from Sklearn. The app will use that algorithm to calculate price based on several variables. I also want to know about mathematical theory about random forest and how it exactly works, so i can calculate manually and compare the result i get with the result from running the app.

    Please help me. I really need to solve it asap.

    I will appreciate any help. Thankyou and sorry for my bad English.

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