Hello everyone.

I am planning a one-group pre-/post test design (I am aware of the limitations, including a control group is unfortuntately not feasible) and want to measure whether var 1 predicts var 2 at time 1 (simple regression); whether the intervention changes the value of var1 and var2 (paired t-test); and whether the change (if existent) in var1 predicts the change (if existent) in var2. In brackets are my suggestions on how to approach these questions statistically.

First question: I will have a small sample (violation of assumptions incoming) and might therefore conduct a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test instead of a t-test, does this make sense?

Second question: Is there a better way to establish the change in this design (again, also considering that I have a small sample size)?

Third question: What is the best way to go about the last question, so whether change in var1 predicts change in var2 (again, also considering that I will have a small sample)?

Thank you.

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