Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas without properly crediting the original author. Sometimes plagiarism involves deliberately stealing someone’s work, but often it happens accidentally, through carelessness or forgetfulness.
When you write an academic paper, you build upon the work of others and use various sources for information and evidence. To avoid plagiarism, you need to correctly incorporate these sources into your text.
Follow these four steps to ensure your paper is free from plagiarism:
Keep track of the sources you consult in your research.
Paraphrase or quote from your sources (and add your own ideas).
Credit the original author in an in-text citation and reference list.
Use a plagiarism checker before you submit.
Plagiarism can have serious consequences, so make sure to follow these steps for every
Я полагаю, что оригинальность (отсутствие плагиата) коррелируется с новизной темы и результатами научного исследования. Чем выше интеллект исследователя, тем ближе к «0» корреляция. Таким образом, плагиат сведется к нулю при оригинальности выбранной темы исследования и мышления самого исследователя.
Publicity. Establishment of a dedicated public web page for research community, aiming at publication of plagiarism cases (publishing without references), all research areas. Both sides: who “committed” a plagiarism (name, article/book/thesis title, year, publisher, etc.) and the concerned researcher/”original” author (name, article/book/thesis title, year, publisher, etc.). Publicity. A possible efficient way of fighting plagiarism with available technical tools, in 21 century. Somebody can fight a plagiarism case for years, without any result. Publicity.
Вероника Фригези, спасибо. Вот мы и подошли к понятию «открытая наука». Публикационная открытость и оперативность – условия отсутствия плагиата в академической литературе.
Согласна с Мосаб Нуралдейн Мохаммед Хамад. В качестве фискального этапа подготовки научной статьи к публикации нужна проверка на оригинальность, на антиплагиат.
At the last conference Borrowing-2020, the issue of paraphrasing was discussed. This is how the latest version of the anti-PLAGIARISM program "catches" paraphrasing your own or someone else's text. And notes such finds as plagiarism.
Starting a new research, first step is: to study the state of science in the concerned field. What new can he add to that? Can be a research in any other way, without knowing the related literature, patents, etc.? Inevitable, a research fellow relays upon the state of science in the concerned research area and articulates his value added in his paper.
На последней конференции "заимствование-2020" обсуждался вопрос перефразирования. Именно так последняя версия Антиплагиат-программы "ловит" перефразирование собственного или чужого текста. И отмечает такие находки как плагиат.
At the last conference" borrowing-2020", the issue of paraphrasing was discussed. This is how the latest version of the anti-Plagiarism program "catches" paraphrasing your own or someone else's text. And notes such finds as plagiarism.