I want to calculate the elevations NDVI is positive, i.e. if over a certain elevation NDVI trends are positive.

I have read papers that say when NDVI trends are analysed by elevation they are only positive over a certain elevation, for example 900m.

How would I do this? What methods should I use?

I have collected MODIS NDVI from June-September and calculated maximum NDVI for each year from 2010-2020. From this, I have calculated the change in NDVI from 2010-2020 and mapped this.

I have downloaded a digital elevation model (DEM) at 450m and added a hillshade effect, slope, aspect and added 100m contours and made maps of these to describe trends.

How do I use this data (MODIS NDVI from 2010-2020 and DEM) to find the relationship between elevation and NDVI?

My location of study is Iceland.

I am using ArcMap so please advise me how to do this analysis using ArcMap or Rstudio not any other software.


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