I am working on a meta-analysis on framing with cultural-level moderators (e.g. Hofstede dimensions including Individualism-Collectivism and Power Distance) and moderators based on findings in the literature (e.g. health behavior function, behavioral frequency). While the potential mechanisms and theoretical basis of moderations would be different with different moderators, they are highly correlated (r > 0.70, or V > 0.50 for two categorical moderators). What are the possible ways to address the potential confounds between these moderators *in the context* of a meta-analysis? Let's say I find support for moderations with both Moderator A (p < .001) and Moderator B, I am not sure how to know if "significant moderation" of B is due to strong correlations/confounding relationship with A, or if both moderators are really meaningful moderators. Thank you. Would appreciate if there is (ideally R) open data/code/example.