With this question, I am asking for volunteer assistance with an open-source project, LoRaBinaryFloodMessaging within https://github.com/SoothingMist/Scalable-Point-to-Point-LoRa-Sensor-Network/tree/main. Allow me to explain.
Many applications, including precision irrigation, require remote sensing of data generated by various pieces of equipment. The project at hand uses LoRa point-to-point flood messaging to accomplish data transfer. The complexities and costs of LoRaWAN and third-party services are avoided.
The present project phase accommodates cameras and single-value sensors. At issue is that the GUI accommodates only one camera and one sensor. What is needed is an improvement to the GUI so that cameras and sensors are selectable. Was thinking that drop-down lists would do well. However, front-end work is not my specialty. What I have found so far on this topic confuses me.
The GUI is driven by a basestation written in Python. Matplotlib is used to create and continuously update the GUI's two plots. The camera plot is not a picture really, just the display of a numpy matrix that is updated as image segments arrive. How would I add drop-down lists to the GUI? An example of the present state of the GUI is shown in the attached jpg. More detail is in the project’s documentation. Glad for any comments, suggestions, or direct help. Many thanks for your input.