
According to the NIST test suite's instruction, there are 15 tests for proving randomness and each tests require different minimum length of the sequence (i.e. Frequency : n > 100, Maurer's Universal : n> 10^6). Thereby, some tests are not applicable to examine the randomness of short sequences (I want to use the sample length n = 128 or 256. ). In fact, I have seen some studies omit those tests that require long sequence instead. I would like to ask a couple questions.

1. In the case of testing such short sequences, is it to neglect the test which require long length of sequence such as Binary Matrix Rank Test, Non-overlapping Template Matching Test, Overlapping Template Matching Test. and report only results from the remained tests?

2. Is there any other way to examine the randomness of short sequences ?

Thank you in advance

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