
I am using Maritini CG FF on Gromacs 5.1.4. I am doing a system were I have:

PolarWater box | Benzene box | Polarwater box

I have a protein at both interfaces.

The steps I follow for my simulation after I create the box are: 1) EM, 2) short NVT for equilibration (POSRE for the protein), 3) short NPT for equilibration (POSRE for the protein), and finally a long MD (NVT with no POSRE). All part of the simulation are run at pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 298K.

My initial gro file for the benzene is:


1BENZ R1 1 0.420 0.536 0.370

1BENZ R2 2 0.425 0.288 0.263

1BENZ R3 3 0.238 0.352 0.448

0.72300 0.78400 0.72100

Then I just use:

gmx genconf -f benzene_dens_box.gro -o benzene_solvated.gro -nbox 21 19 19

gmx editconf -f benzene_solvated.gro -o benzene_box.gro -box 12.5 12.5 14

Where the benzene_box.gro is box I insert in the middle of the two PolarWater boxes to create the interfaces.

When I do the box for the Benzene, I achieve a very similar density compared to the real density (876kg/m3).

But when I do the NPT, my density increases to 1200kg/m3.

The main parameters of my mdp file for the NPT part of my simulation is:

define = -DPORES

cutoff-scheme = Verlet

nstlist = 20

ns_type = grid

pbc = xyz

verlet-buffer-tolerance = 0.005

vdw_type = cutoff

vdw-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet

rvdw = 1.2

coulombtype = Reaction-field

coulomb-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet

rcoulomb = 1.2

epsilon_r = 2.5 ; for polarizable water

epsilon_rf = 0

tcoupl = v-rescale

tc-grps = system

tau_t = 1

ref_t = 298

Pcoupl = berendsen

Pcoupltype = isotropic

;nstpcouple = -1 ; default value of -1 sets nsttcouple equal to nstlist

tau_p = 3.0

compressibility = 4.5e-5

ref_p = 1.0

Please help me to achieve with some guidance so that my density keeps relatively the same initial density before the NPT run.

I must be doing something wrong.

The beads are the one already given by the martini itp file for solvents, so the mistake must be around my mdp file I guess.


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