I am currently working on DRD4 exon 3 VNTR to analyse association with methamphetamine abuse.Actually I have two questions-

1) I am following several papers.According to the paper the fragment size after gel electrophoresis ranges from 500 to 750 basepairs(I attached the gel picture from the paper)but after gel electrophoresis I got totally different banding pattern( I also attached my gel picture).

What is the reason behind this difference?I used the same primers mentioned in the paper.

In the paper they also mentioned denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.I am a little bit confused about it.

2) secondly I can not understand the analysis result as 2/2 repeat type,2/4 repeat type,$/4 repeat type,4/5 repeat type,4/7 repeat type-these are mentioned as the analysis result.Have anyone worked on this previously? I also attached another picture regarding this analysis result of different repeat type in capture 3.

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