الانترنيت سلاح ذو حدين ممكن ان يكون وسيلة نافعة واستغلالها بالشكل الصحيح وممكن وان نوجه اطفالنا نحوالاستخدام الامثل والصحيح وحتى ممكن ان يتعلموا من خلاله الكثير من المعلومات العلمية , و قد يكون بالعكس وسيله مؤذية لأولادنا عن طرق قضاء معظم اوقاتهم على النت يبقى هنا دور الاباء كيف يتم توجيه ابنائهم التوجيه الصحيح بأتباع اساليب الربية الصحيحة
It is not an easy task to know how the parents can satisfy their children for studying and leaving the internet. As I see it, parents should provide their children witl alternatives such as those mentioned by our colleague Behnam, such as walking together in the nature, visiting libraries and cultural events together; reading together as a family is one of the best alternatives. In doing this, parents should be authoritative, not authoritarian or permisse figures. Authoritative figures are demanding in intellectual terms, but warm in their social interactions with thier children. Authoritarian partents are demanding in intellectual terms, but cold in their social interactions with their children. And permissive paents are guided by the slogan laissez faire, laissez passer, laissez aller (i.e., let it go). There is accumulated evidence that shows that in contrast with autoritarian and permissive figures, authoritative parents foster their children's pscychological development, be it cognitive, social, interpersonal, emotiopnal and so forth.