The pyrolysis of biomass that leads to the production of different fuels also resulted in the emission of CO2 which has an adverse effect on our climate.
CO2 could be trapped by bubbling in a highly basic trap to produce carbonates. Another option is to use biomass ash (fly ash specifically), which can reversibly adsorb CO2 produced in pyrolysis.
CO2 does not now, has never had and will never have a significant effect on climate. Here is why.
1) Essentially all absorbed outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) energy is thermalized.
2) Thermalized energy carries no identity of the molecule that absorbed it.
3) Emission from a gas is quantized and depends on the energy of individual molecules.
4) This energy is determined probabilistically according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
5) The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution favors lower energy (longer wavelength) photons.
6) Water vapor exhibits many (170+) of these longer wavelength bands.
7) The Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution in atmospheric gas molecules effectively shifts the OLR energy absorbed by CO2 molecules to the lower energy absorb/emit bands of water vapor. The ‘notches’ in top-of-atmosphere measurements over temperate zones demonstrate the validity of this assessment.
8) As altitude increases (to about 10 km) the temperature declines, magnifying the effect.
The only thing countering the temperature decline that would otherwise be occurring is the increasing trend in water vapor. (‘Otherwise’ results from declining net effect of ocean cycles since 2005 and declining solar activity which has been declining since 2014 and dropped below 'breakeven' in early 2016). Average global atmospheric water vapor has been measured and reported by NASA/RSS since 1988 and shows an uptrend of 1.5% per decade. WV has increased about 8% since the more rapid increase began in about 1960. This is more than 2.5 times the expected rate from temperature increase alone (feedback).
Further discussion of this with graphs and links to source data are at which also identifies the factors which do cause climate change (98% match 1895-2016).
The warmer temperature is welcome but the added WV increases the risk of flooding. IMO all rainwater retaining systems (dams, dykes, etc.) should be upgraded from 100 yr floods to 10,000 yr floods.
Interesting information and attached literature and discussion.The relative role of CO2 and water vapour in global warming needs an international debate and resolution.I appreciate Dr.Dan Pangbarn for the new information on climate change/ global warming.
CO2 does not get 'trapped' when converting biomass into biochar. The carbon in the biomass (about half) forms a complex such that microbes can not use it to make CO2. Look up "All Biochar are Not Created Equal and How to Tell them Apart" for good info on making biochar.
Yes , Frank , i agree with you . Where carbon dioxide gets trapped while converting plant origin biomass into biochars while undergoing pyrolysis at temperature of around 40-600C...