
I built a model using Eulerian two-phase model with Population Balance Model in Fluent.

A cylindrical tank with the height 2 m and the diameter 1 m contained 80% water inside.

The pressure outlet was at top. Only air is allowed to flow back and no bin using PBM discrete method could flow back.

Initially, gas zone and water zone were patched 1 and 0 fraction of air, separately.

The air velocity inlet with a diameter 1 cm was located at the bottom.

The supersonic/initial gauge pressure was set 12000 Pa, and the reference pressure location of the operating pressure located at the top.

The air is set as a compressible ideal gas. The air velocity is 1 m/s.

I have three question:

1. Is it right to set the supersonic/initial gauge pressure as 12000 Pa ?

2. Is it right to set no bin flow back?

3. How to make the bubbles dissipate? It seems the bubbles never dissipate even they pass through the interface of air and water.

Could someone help, please? 

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