I observed in AES depth profile of some binary metal alloys(AB , B as solute), segregation of solute occurs . Is it only surface energy plays the role in driving the segregation ? i e lower surface energy component will segregate to surface.I also read atomic ordering , i e AA,BB,AB bonding inside the bulk and surface also has an influence on segregation. The system tries to attain the lowest free energy segregation occurs.I have seen some sub surface or near surface segregation of solute in some alloys also , how is it happening.Is it because when the segregant reaches the surface the component with more negative free energy for forming oxide(If it is the solvent metal) excludes or push the segregant back beneath the oxide layer and segregation enriched in that subsurface layer ? If any body can explain the predominant mechanisms associated with this and why diffusion and segregation are different process it will be so helpful

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