SAP (Superabsorbent Polymer) is a functional polymer with higher water absorption and superior water retention capability.
It :
1. Absorb plenty water (or other inorganic solution),
2. Lock water and
3. Become water gel form after absorbing.
Advantage of using SAP is that it is:
1. Non Toxic,
2. Non-pollutant, and
3. Harmless in every aspect.
Again the most beneficial property lies in the fact that it absorbs liquids equivalent to several hundred times of it body mass and transforms it into a Gel; that is why it is able to retain or stop water.
SAP consists of a set of polymeric chains that are parallel to each other and regularly linked to each other by cross-linking agents, thus forming a network.
When water comes into contact with one of these chains, it is drawn into the molecule by osmosis. Water rapidly migrates into the interior of the polymer network where it is stored.