Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) have emerged as a promising alternative to liquid electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) due to their ability to improve battery stability, overcome toxicity concerns, and mitigate degradation issues. Here are some references that discuss the benefits of SPEs in LiBs:
1. Zhang, H. et al. (2020). Recent Advances in Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries. Materials Today Energy, 16, 100390. doi: 10.1016/j.mtener.2020.100390.
This review article provides an overview of recent advances in SPEs for LiBs. It discusses the improved stability of LiBs enabled by SPEs, including enhanced thermal stability and reduced safety risks associated with leakage or thermal runaway of liquid electrolytes.
2. Sallavaci, M. et al. (2019). Solid Polymer Electrolytes for High Energy Density Lithium Batteries. Materials Today Energy, 12, 267-287. doi: 10.1016/j.mtener.2019.03.002.
This research article explores the role of SPEs in high energy density LiBs. It highlights the improved stability of SPEs compared to liquid electrolytes, which helps overcome issues such as dendrite formation, electrolyte decomposition, and safety concerns related to leakage and flammability.
3. Li, X. et al. (2021). Advances in Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Concepts, Strategies, and Materials Design. Small Methods, 5(2), 2000931. doi: 10.1002/smtd.202000931.
This article provides insights into the concepts, strategies, and materials design of SPEs for LiBs. It discusses the advantages of SPEs in terms of improved safety, reduced toxicity, and enhanced stability, which can contribute to the overall performance and longevity of LiBs.
These references should provide you with valuable information on how SPEs can enhance battery stability, address toxicity concerns, and mitigate degradation issues associated with LiBs.