People have often compared Donald Trump to being in ‘the skin’ of Adolf Hitler, with many Americans laughing off the comparison since they believe that Hitler was smart but a devil, while Trump is dumb and leading a party of buffoons. But recall that at the time of Hitler in the 1930’s, many elites thought he was a misguided fanatic (so much so) that they believed he could be manipulated into getting the electoral votes while they, the elites, remained in power. This is exactly what Mitch McConnell used to think of Trump; but given hindsight, if he is a smart man, he (like Liz Cheney) should be having second thoughts about this theory, which was refuted after Hitler dissolved Congress and started building concentration camps. Shortly, Stephen Miller (a Trump loyalist and political aide) will be putting the deplorables of America into concentration camps with all the illegal immigrants now working in America. So, if Trump wins the next election, then based on his behavior on January 6th (2021) expect him to dissolve Congress and commission crews to start building those concentration camps that will be overseen by Commandant Miller, which will be advertised as one of the central achievements in Trump’s first 100 days of the presidency. Expect 20% of the population (i.e., those who voted for him with passion) to react by asserting their 2nd Amendment right by taking up arms in defense of Trump’s draconian policies as he assumes the role of Dictator. Finally, expect a mass exodus by the non-European deplorables to places like Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and so on, to avoid being ‘concentrated’ in a camp. If and when this 'fiction’ transpires, Margaret Atwood will be smiling as she gives another lecture on her prescient book ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’.

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