I would like to know how the IL-2, IL-6 and FAS/APO-1 regulate the auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis? How could we know the toxicity level of protein using the concentration level of IL-2, IL-6 and FAS/APO-1 from T cell?
Toxicity of protein can be measured by Lymphocyte culture of both normal and diseased individuals with stimulation of your toxic substance. Then do a flow for annexine v staining. From the supernatant you can measure the required cytokines and compare.
You can see the below paper..
Arthritis Rheum. 1995 Dec;38(12):1738-43.
Lack of correlation between serum soluble Fas/APO-1 levels and autoimmune disease.
Dear Prakash, Thanks for your response. If the cytokines level will increase, my protein has toxicity to T cell? Which one denotes the toxicity of protein, whether increase level or decrease level of cytokines?
Toxicity can be measure by cell death by annexine V staining flow cytometry and stimulation of your antigen can be measure by increasing /decreasing of specific cytokines.