The history of Ghana forest and wildlife policies have recurring challenges that need to be redressed and possible remedial actions to beef up its usefulness in the management of biodiversity.
Any policy analysis requires that you first know the objectives - it is rare that policy objectives are simple, and much policy analysis fails to take the complexity of real policy objectives into account. For example, maintaining biodiversity may seem like a simple policy objective, but it is likely that unstated objectives are also present, such as maintaining biodiversity while also maintaining or improving agricultural production, jobs, law and order, etc... not just biodiversity. As with many analysis issues, once you have fully defined the problem, you often find that you are more than halfway to the answer.
Dickson, I highly recommend the work of Steven Dovers and John Handmer. See this book for example: Environment and Sustainability: A Policy Handbook
In my experience is importante to assess the environmental & social impacts of the environmental public policies. In function of the objectives of the policy you can make an multiscalar evaluation (with some studies cases). Perhaps is of your interest this article:
Preservation of wild life and forest resources is one of the UN sustainable development programmes and required far reaching policies. The present effects of deforestation and indiscriminate killing of wild life animals have led to climate change effects on food security, drying of water bodies making irrigation difficult ,lossof biodiversity and destruction of wild animals such as elephants, lions, deer,and other smaller ones thereby affecting eco tourism .the sustainable policies to guide the preservation include [1] massive advocacy from the NGOs, CBOs from grassroot wards,constituencies ,LGAs ,state and federal levels on tree planting,wild life preservation,afforestation to educate the people on sustainble use [ 2] There is need to enact laws guiding the use through legislation,[3] There is need for policies in exploring the value chains in forest and wild life such as ultilization of non timber foret products, [4] Establishment of more wild life parks and rangelands for ecotourism and income generation [5]There is need for more collaborations at sub regional ,regional and world levels such as treaties and conventions[6] There is need for developing alternative energy sources such as solar, wind ,bio fuel and so forth [7] The private sectors should invest in afforestation,wild life parks,and other conservation projects to complement government ministries and agencies[8] there is need for tax relief and reward systems for people who engage in forest and wild conservation
In those kind of questions, the criteria to apply should be based on the specific local context. Regarding the complex dynamic of interwined factors that entail the social and biophysical dimensions in an ecosystemic perspective.
1. The trees maintain the water balance for two reasons - they retain a large amount of water in the lice and trunk - have the ability to attract the rain.
2. Trees have the ability to release water in the dry season to keep the soil wet.
3. One hectare of forest absorbs 10 tons of CO2 per year
4. In each country or region, at least 30% of the tree cover is used to achieve this water balance
5. If the forest area is below 30% there is every possibility of progressive desertification of the region
6. The problem of biodiversity in relation to large animals is a problem. As dinosaurs with evolution have become crocodiles and lizards, the big animals are destined to disappear.
7. For this reason it is necessary to establish sanctuaries for animals, organized and maintained.