01 January 1970 23 6K Report

Or is it a continuation of the conscious or unconscious myth (alienation) making enterprise for perfecting the ruling ideas for the subjugation and exploitation of Man by Man; by blocking positive knowledge of objective reality; human creativity and aspiration for the “Freedom of the Will”?

Merely asking this question is enough to make even the most “enlightened” priests of modern theoretical sciences to reach out for their loaded guns and call for Inquisition, Guillotine etc. But the mighty thinker Emmanuel Kant's honest statement in the Critique of Pure Reason, "I have found it necessary to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith"; exposes modern theoretical sciences as the conscious and subjective myth-making tool to replace the primitive myths with more credible new ones! This subjective and conscious myth-making efforts at the behest of faith and the ruling idea; is nowhere more insidious and deceptive (and hence more deadly) as in the so-called “objective”, official theoretical physics and cosmology since Isaac Newton!

"Quō Vādis Theoretical Physics and Cosmology? From Newton's Metaphysics to Einstein's Theology!" :

Article Quō Vādis Theoretical Physics and Cosmology? From Newton's M...

"Dialectics Not Metaphysics Of Nature: From The Quantum To The Cosmic":


The most fundamental essence of humanity is to strive towards "the freedom of the will", based on real knowledge of the world and of itself– a subjectivity and the dialectical unity of the opposites of the objectivity of blind Nature (and as a part of Nature itself); in this infinite, eternal and ever-changing universe. This essence is an acquired ability that allows man to effectively change the conditions of his physical, mental and social existence based on the positive knowledge of the world and of himself (as a social being); in such a way as to progressively reduce the contradiction between subjective man and objective Nature, between humanity and the world, but never completely eliminating it.

The most decisive factor in the evolution of this subjective “being” came with the bipedal (erect) stature in man, which made his hands free (a giant leap towards freedom) for further subjective acts and developments; that enhanced both his “being” and his “knowing”. The final act through which man forever separated himself from the animal kingdom and towards more freedom; was the mastery over one of the forces of Nature, namely heat (fire). The development of the dexterity and the manipulating skills of the hand necessitated the revolutionary development of the brain and with it, speech. The developed brain gave man enhanced ability for abstraction, reflection, introspection and communication etc. that in a reciprocal way led to the further development of the brain and also gave the hand “the high degree of perfection required to conjure into being the pictures of a Raphael, the statues of a Thorwaldsen, the music of a Paganini”. [“The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man”; F. Engels, 1876]

But this journey towards freedom so far was not a smooth one-way process only. Most of all, new and evolving constrains on knowledge and developments imposed both by Nature and by man himself stood in his way towards freedom. The more damaging ones were the self-made constrains known as the alienations. The alienations are creations of man for his own need of the time, but those creations at a certain stage of their development go out of his control as if an entity coming from outside and like a Frankenstein Monster sets itself to control its creator. Historically; Myths, Religion, Class Division, Capital, State etc., were the most potent alienations that impeded the progress towards knowledge and freedom. In modern times the most dominant alienation is Capital, in its most regressive monopoly-finance form.

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