I am working on creating a random road traffic generator, so far i've seen so many random traffic generators either on commercial software or open source software, but i can't seem to figure out how random is it? is there a control on how the arrival generation is done in order to show some phenomenon, like periodicity.
In my case I am working on generating traffic coming from a signalized intersection. while using a distribution with parameters fitted using real data, by generating random Time Headway between vehicles i can't see the periodicity, however when i add a control on how much vehicles should be generated in each period (let's call it the phase in the preceding intersection) using a poisson distribution and after that making sure to not generated Time Headways that would not be more than then the period duration and also not respecting the amount of vehicles generated in a period for computation efficiency (in order to not have the computer do too much loops and take more time in the traffic generation) I can clearly see the periodicity phenomenon. But scientifically speaking is this not interfering with the random generation and adding a bias to my generated data ?