Do you all routinely aspirate or puncture hip capsule while managing neck femur fracture? If so, kindly share tips or tricks or based on your experiences.
For an intra-capsular fracture undergoing closed reduction and internal fixation, one of the aetiologies for the later development of AVN was thought to be the pressure effect of the haemarthrosis which would be dissipated by a capsular decompression. The development of AVN is however likely to be multi-factorial. Whilst in a paediatric patient there are some strong advocates for a decompression, the evidence remains mixed. As a patient gets older it would seem this pressure effect is reduced but again there are only small studies with no clear-cut evidence. Therefore no consensus for its universal use.
In young adults it's secondary to high energy trauma. Therefore I believe there's already a suspicion of capsular tear. So I don't think there's a need for decompression.
In elderly population it's a fragility fracture rarely we go for osteosynthesis. So again need for decompression doesn't arise.
Coming to kids there's anecdotal evidence for Decompression/ aspiration. Therefore routinely not done in my practice.
Capsulotomy is must when treating fracture neck femur by hemireplcement in elderly persons. In younger and middle age persons aspiration of hip is supposed to help in preventing AVN/ nonunion by joint decompression. As a routine I don't do capsulotomy while treating fracture by internal fixation after its closed reduction. Of course in open reduction cases it occurs as part of the procedure.