13 November 2014 3 9K Report

Hi there,

I am wondering how the average value of the "Control" condition is calculated in the publication "A simple procedure for the assessment of acceptance of advanced transport telematics". If I use the three after measurement values provided in Table 5, I either get 0.5633 as average Satisfying Scale or, when using the sample size of Table2 in order to weigh the different studies, my result is 0.5602.

Both of these average values for the Satisfying Scale would however be on the right side of the "Control" condition in Fig. 2 (see also the attached picture showing a figure created by myself printed over the original Fig. 2 image).

Are not all “Control” conditions included in the value of the figure? Or is there a mistake with the values in Table 5?

Any feedback on this question appreciated a lot!

Best regards,


Article A simple procedure for the assessment of acceptance of advan...

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