Scientist Must be honer in getting references and all the research must be practical ,published in Known journal,with new and fresh references.I thing this make the scientist visible.
For someone seaking a career in science visibility in his/her field is as important to them as it should be for companies to be related by their potential customers to their product or service. A good or high visibility means that you are known for your research in your field of Expertise and others can find you more or less easily when searching for you or people related to your field of expertise. Since science as well as writing papers about your results has no meaning in itself, but by using it and publishing / bringing it to the world our work directly requires visibility activities after all.
Why??? arises in mind for any natural phenomenon, find solution can be a scientist!!!!!.Newton found law of gravitation, from the apple fall on his head, instead eating it ,he start thinking!!!!!!!!.
There are two approaches: The first one is to be visible for "impact factor" and to get points for promotion and earn the resarch fame. The other one is to be visible for solving real problems in industry and earn more money. I know a lot of academicians with a huge sum of impact factors with no impact in the jungle of the real world, meaning the industry.
I think it's simple: you are so visible as the impact of your research.... and when I say impact, I mean the ability of generating breakthroughs and solving real-world problems, rather than "impact factor".